While soil is the foundation to food and fibre production systems, little is understood about farmers’ relationships with soil and how they choose to manage it. Human connectivity has been identified as one of the five pillars of soil security, along with capacity, condition, financial and cultural values, and land management practices; however there is little empirical data demonstrating this. This survey has been designed to fill that gap and capture the human connectivity element.
Unique to this survey is the ability for participants to access their own personal soil connectivity report. While soil varies across your farm, when completing the survey think about a particular paddock or area in your farming business. While the survey is anonymous, your postcode and nearest town will be collected for data verification. Data is de-identified and reported in a group format. No identifying data is stored.
The survey’s purpose is to improve the connectivity of people managing our soils and ensure the long term security of this important resource. Much of the Wheatbelt is currently lacking in terms of responses (see photograph) so your efforts would be greatly appreciated.
The survey can be found by going to https://soilconnectivity.farminstitute.org.au/ and scrolling down the page.