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Full House at Corrigin

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Sustainable Agriculture

It was a full house at a recent workshop in Corrigin to gain accreditation in, and to assist with applying for, permits to use 1080 as part of our coordinated feral animal control.

Western Australia has the largest prevalence of gastrolobiums, endemic plant species that naturally contain the toxin known as 1080. We have 114 species of these plants in our state, with over 100 of these species occurring in the southwest. While deadly to introduced fauna our native animals have evolved with these plants, and as such are more tolerant to the 1080 chemical.

As a consequence, in WA, the use of 1080 is far less likely to result in harm to non-target species making it a highly valuable tool for managing feral animals.

While this is great news for landholders seeking to reduce feral cats, dogs, foxes and rabbits, it can have devasting consequences for working dogs and livestock. At the workshop, methods for managing valuable working dogs and stock were discussed. It can be as simple as keeping livestock out of paddocks where you are using 1080, or, for the cost of a muzzle, you can protect your dogs.

If you are interested in attending a 1080 accreditation workshop, you can register for Wongan Hills on 20th of March or Merredin on 25th of March.

Please contact Aimee Ray on or 9670 3139 to register or for further information.