Landholders and interested community members in the Dale River catchment and surrounding shires are invited to participate in a free Rivercare workshop on Friday 25 August 2006.
The workshop will be held on-site alongside Turner Gully, a tributary of the Dale River, off Butchers Road in Westdale from 9.00 am to 4.00 pm.
The workshop will provide a hands-on opportunity to learn about foreshore and channel assessment, water quality monitoring, riparian revegetation and river restoration techniques. It is presented by Department of Water, Ribbons of Blue/Waterwatch WA, Avon Catchment Council and National Action Plan for Salinity and Water Quality through the State and Australian Governments
Places are limited. For more information or to register your interest in attending the workshop contact Prue Dufty or Rebekah Esszig at Department of Water, Northam on 9622 7055, no later than 5pm Friday 18 August.
Media Contact: Rochelle Pyle, Marketing & Communications Manager, Avon Catchment Council, ph: 9690 2250