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Looking to plant native vegetation in 2023?

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Healthy Environments

If you’re looking to plant native vegetation in 2023 October and November is the time to get your seedling orders in.

Maybe you have a creek line you want to revegetate, or a remnant patch you want to protect with buffer plantings. Or, you might want to revegetate your entire property over time. Whatever the reason, nurseries are now preparing to propagate seedlings for next year’s planting season. Depending on the species, it takes a good 6 to 8 months of love and care to ensure that seedlings are ready for planting.

Planning Your Planting

When considering a revegetation project, the plant species will play a large role. Things to consider when planning a seedling order include:

  • The location of the site's landscape. Is it creekside? Maybe a hill slope? Or a hilltop? Or it might be a plain?
  • What are the characteristics of the site? Is it prone to waterlogging or salinity? What is the soil type?
  • The region that the property is located in. Seedling orders are generally based on whether the species occurs naturally in that Shire.
  • Consider the planting location and positioning of surrounding trees in relation to cropping areas. Root zones may draw water from these areas.
  • Consider climate change. It’s best to choose species that extend a significant distance to the north/east of the planting site (while still naturally found locally). This will ensure that the plant has the seasonal tolerances that will suit the site in 50 to 100 years.
  • Give some thought to the use of the planting site. It might be food plants for Black-Cockatoos, it could be habitat for Malleefowl or phascogales or it might be to enhance a Eucalypt Woodland. What species will benefit from the planting in the future?
  • It’s also worth asking the nursery if they are able to grow seedlings from seed collected within the Wheatbelt area (ie – provenance seed).

Don’t forget to prepare your site!

It is best to start site preparation in the year or 2 prior to starting your revegetation. Things to consider include:

  • Weed control
    • What type of weeds do you have?
    • What is the best time and method to control the weed species on site?
    • How thick are they growing?
    • Is chemical control an option?
  • Fencing
    • At a minimum you will need to keep stock out of your revegetation site while it establishes
    • Even better - keep stock out of the planting indefinitely
  • Rabbit control
    • What are you rabbit numbers currently like?
    • What methods of rabbit control are open to you?
  • Other site prep options
    • Deep ripping – this increases the speed seedlings can grow deep roots, and helps them to get past compaction layers below the surface
    • Mounding – is your revegetation site in a wet or salty area?

Need To Know More? 

There are some great online resources when it comes to identifying species found in the local area:

  • Florabase is an interactive resource brought to you by the Western Australian Herbarium. It provides information about the State’s extraordinary botanical diversity.
  • Atlas of Living Australia provides open access to Australia’s biodiversity data. Sign up and get a list of recorded species in the area. 
  • Wheatbelt NRM site preparation article

Alternatively, our team has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to plantings. If any Wheatbelt landholders need more information about revegetation and seedling orders contact us on 9670 3100 or email

This project is supported through funding from the Australian Government’s National Landcare Program.

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