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Collecting Seed for the Future

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Aboriginal NRM

The Noongar Boodjar Rangers are excited to be working with Syrinx Environmental to trial the revegetation of old farmland in Toodyay. Initially, the Rangers are assisting with the collection of native seed from remnant bushland in the area and plan to continue working on various aspects of the project to enable the land to be restored close to its original state before clearing. Many native animals including wallabies and chuditch are present on and near the site and the project will extend the territory available for them to forage and to live in. 

The seed collection work involves working with Syrinx staff to identify the remnant species, monitor the plants for when seed is ready to be collected and to then gather it for cleaning and use. They are working to establish as much diversity as possible to provide the foundation for a balanced ecosystem. Where species of flora were known to exist but are no longer present on the farms, seed will be sourced from within 50 km from the area to ensure local traits in the flora are preserved. 

Unfortunately for the Rangers, the work is mostly conducted in the hottest part of the year and the areas have a healthy population of ticks who have already had their fair share of the Rangers. But it is worth the effort to restore country to its former health and beauty.