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Winners are Grinners

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Sustainable Agriculture

So goes the saying for Tarin Rock farmers Ron and Christine Willock and sons Sam and Lindsay (pictured).  The family mixed farming business has just received a boost from being drawn as the lucky winners of our Mixed Farming Fodder Survey.

The Wilcock’s have won a personalised Fodder Farm Plan from AgVivo Fodder expert Phil Barret Lennard valued at $2500 plus an additional $2500 towards implementing new fodder strategies aimed at filling feed gaps and increasing year-round ground cover.

A 10 minute investment to complete a survey asking them about feed gap challenges and ideas they have to reduce reliance on hand feeding stock was all it took to win them this fantastic prize.

The Willocks run 5000 dorpers on their 2700ha property so they understand the importance of minimizing hand feeding.  They have already commenced planting Tagasaste, experimented with pasture improvement, and are currently expanding into various other fodder species to improve feed and shelter.

They’ve been following our Optimising Fodder Options on Mixed Farms project and are signed up to our sustainable agriculture newsletter ‘Farming In Focus’ to ensure they hear about relevant events, trials, news and promotions.

If you are landholder and would like to be part of our sustainable agriculture interest group please sign up at