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Feral pigs control workshop

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Healthy Environments

We had 10 community members join us for the first of our two feral pig control workshops. There was a lot of really useful practical knowledge shared by Jim Miller (DPIRD) and Andy Lockey (WAFAM) and landholders sharing their own experience with pig control. We toured a private agricultural property with a feral pig problem in Dewars Pool and learnt about identifying the evidence of feral pigs in the environment and saw working pig traps in action. There were also demonstrations of remotely triggered trapping systems and Hoggone baiting stations.

Our next feral pig control workshop is scheduled for Tuesday 18th July. We would like to hear from you if you’re interested in attending before we set a location. Please get in touch with our Healthy Environments Project Delivery Officer to register your interest as soon as possible.

Waterways funding provided by Department of Water and Environmental Regulation (DWER)Feral Pig Control supported by Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) and WA Feral Animal Management (WAFAM).