
ABS Income by Shire 2000

Bruce Rock Rem veg

Key Mining locations

Population Density 2010

ABS Income by Shire 2006

Bruce Rock Salinity

Major River Catchments

Proportiion of flow and nutrients - Avon Arc and Yenyening

Ancient Rivers

Cunderdin Rem Veg

Mine Locations

Proportion of flow and Salt load

ARB and WDC Boundary

Grower Group Locations and Shires

Percentage of landscape Cleared

Rail buffer & vegetation

Avon Arc

GWW Land Tenure

Percentage of lanscape saline - Landmonitor

Sandy Soils of the Avon Region

Avon Arc River Catchments


Police Stations

Settlement & Rail

Avon River Basin

IBRA Sub Regions

Population Change 2000 - 2010

Sub regions & population