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National rivercare workshop held in the Avon












NRM officers involved in rivercare across the State recently had the opportunity to hear the latest research from Land and Water Australia’s National Riparian Lands Program. The two-day workshop, held in the Avon Catchment, was funded through Land and Water Australia, Department of Environment, Avon Catchment Council and Natural Heritage Trust. Topics ranged from managing grazing in riparian areas, the impact of riparian vegetation on flooding and measuring riparian condition across catchments. In addition, Professor Peter Davies, University of Western Australia, talked about managing high water temperatures using riparian vegetation. Riparian vegetation is vital for maintaining healthy, functioning waterways. In the absence of fringing vegetation, water temperatures can exceed the thermal tolerance of many aquatic animals that are an integral part of in-stream food webs. "Measuring the reduction in water temperature is an ecologically meaningful and easily measured outcome of riparian revegetation and can therefore be used as a target against which the success of restoration activities can be measured," Dr Davies said. Another highlight of the workshop was a field trip to several local streams, including Chinganning Gully, Coates Gully and White Gum Gully. Dr Amy Jansen from Charles Sturt University explained how to assess riparian condition, and Associate Professor Ian Rutherfurd from the University of Melbourne talked about bank stability and flooding issues. The workshop was very well attended by staff from Department of Environment, Regional NRM Councils and community members and was a great opportunity to learn about river research across Australia. Photo available. Please contact Kate Gole 9690 2629