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What’s happening over the fence? Agtrials WA gives you the answer

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Sustainable Agriculture

If you want to know what is happening over the farm fence and what other farmers in the region are trialling then the Agtrials WA website could help you out.

Launched in 2017 the Agtrials WA web site is a collaboration between the seven regional NRM groups that form NRM WA and showcases 93 sustainable agriculture trials that are happening across WA.

According to Mark Twain “There is no such thing as a new idea. We simply take a lot of old ideas and put them into a sort of mental kaleidoscope.”

Well Agtrials WA has lots of ideas you can pick up and change up for your own benefit.

Whether it be planting fodder or forage, tackling soil constraints or agroforestry you can see what other farmers have been trying and what has worked and what hasn’t.

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