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Where to in the new Decade

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Community Engagement

For us next year will be about looking after some iconic Wheatbelt birds that have very particular nesting requirements.

Malleefowl mounds require a healthy patch of bush with reduced predators while our black cockatoos are reliant on hollows in trees that are over 100 years old.

Both rely on the Eucalypt Woodlands of the Wheatbelt which are a threatened ecological community due to the threat of fragmentation, lack of regeneration and weeds and pests.

We will be seeking interest from landholders who have these woodlands on their property and will be looking to work together to protect them.

Our mixed farming demonstration farms will implement works to improve ground cover over the summer months. Closing the feed gap and increasing soil health will be a driver. These farmers will be sharing at workshops and other events how developing farms plans that consider ground cover at a whole of farm-scale will deliver economic and management benefits.

The Noongar Budjar Rangers are developing partnerships with a range of organisations and look forward to expanding their work and increasing their members.

Landholders along the Talbot and Boyagerring Brooks will undertake revegetation along the riparian zone that will improve stream health and ultimately water quality.

We will be working with Red Card for Foxes and Rabbits and other feral animal control to look beyond protecting individual environmental assets to grow the communities effort so we can have a landscape-scale impact. Just what would the Wheatbelt be like without the feral animals.

And Wheatbelt NRM will continue to bring various government consultation opportunities to your attention and assist in developing a response that reflects our unique Wheatbelt perspective.

In a nutshell, Wheatbelt NRM will continue to work with the community to deliver a long term legacy for our Wheatbelt.

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